Breaking News

Thursday, 10 December 2015


Pearls are the most valuable of all organic gemstones, and have been prized for 6000 years. Pearls chemical makeup varies by region and environmental factors, but the basic formula is CaCO3. Pearls form through irritants entering specific species of mollusks (oysters, clams, muscles, etc), while the irritant can be a grain of sand or a parasite, the process is the same for pearls. The irritant is coated in CaCO3(mother of pearl) to make it less irritating...

Saturday, 5 December 2015

3D Map Generator – GEO

Available for PC and MAC as Plugin forPhotoshop CC (from v 14.2)The 3D Map Generator – GEO“ is especially created for illustrating complex geographical 3D maps. In opposite to the current „3D Map Generator 2“ the new „3D Map Generator – GEO“ can be used to create big 3D maps in smaller map scales. With a few clicks it is possible to generate isometric 3D maps in 3 different orientations with heights and depths in the terrain. As basic shapes there...

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Argentina Mountains


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Fluorescent Hyalite Opal Cabochon - Zacatecas, Mexico


Kidwellite - Coon Creek Mine, Arkansas
