As I have provided much information about gas testing examination today I am going to describe you the procedure of applying in gas testing examination.

There are two examiners in this exam. The whole exam is divided in two parts. One examiner will be a manager of mine and the other will be a mine inspector (DGMS).
First Examiner (Manager of mine)
1.Method of gas testing in an underground mine
2.Right method of checking methane by safety lamp.
Second Examiner (Mining Inspector)
1.Flame safety lamp components and their functions
2.Change in flame on different percentage of gas
3.Rules and regulation related to Safety Lamp, Gases, etc
1.Age must be more than 20 years
2.He must have lamp handling certificate issued from VTC or any Underground Mine.
3.He must have paid exam fee Rs. 25/- to DGMS by Postal Order or Bank Draft
4.Certificate of Age: he must have to submit age certificate i.e. SSC School Certificate
5.Medical certificate from of fitness: Fitness certificate from doctor.
6.Character certificate from colliery manager or principal.
Click on related links for downloading Gas testing Related Certificates And Documents:
Don't forget attaching self addressed A4 size envelope with tickets.
Procedure for downloading: Click on above given link and there will be downloading link on that page. After clicking that page you will see another page, wait there for 10 sec. Then click on Skip Ads Option. Now you can start downloading. It is my effort for providing you all the things related to mining at free of cost.
Disclaimer: All the information given here are best to my knowledge. But this may not be updated. So please confirm these things from other sources also.

There are two examiners in this exam. The whole exam is divided in two parts. One examiner will be a manager of mine and the other will be a mine inspector (DGMS).
First Examiner (Manager of mine)
1.Method of gas testing in an underground mine
2.Right method of checking methane by safety lamp.
Second Examiner (Mining Inspector)
1.Flame safety lamp components and their functions
2.Change in flame on different percentage of gas
3.Rules and regulation related to Safety Lamp, Gases, etc
* Knowledge regarding Gas Testing Examination
Qualification for appearing in Gas Testing Examination
1.Age must be more than 20 years
2.He must have lamp handling certificate issued from VTC or any Underground Mine.
3.He must have paid exam fee Rs. 25/- to DGMS by Postal Order or Bank Draft
4.Certificate of Age: he must have to submit age certificate i.e. SSC School Certificate
5.Medical certificate from of fitness: Fitness certificate from doctor.
6.Character certificate from colliery manager or principal.
I have already uploaded Lamp Handling Certificate, Medical Certificate, Character Certificate, Gas Testing Application Form in this blog.
Click on related links for downloading Gas testing Related Certificates And Documents:
Don't forget attaching self addressed A4 size envelope with tickets.
Procedure for downloading: Click on above given link and there will be downloading link on that page. After clicking that page you will see another page, wait there for 10 sec. Then click on Skip Ads Option. Now you can start downloading. It is my effort for providing you all the things related to mining at free of cost.
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Disclaimer: All the information given here are best to my knowledge. But this may not be updated. So please confirm these things from other sources also.
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