Coal Ploughs have had little application in Australia,
and their main use has been in Europe, particularly in Germany where they were
first developed. Essentially a plough is a large mass of steel, usually of a
more or less triangular shape when viewed from the coal face or goaf sides,
fitted with large "picks" (more like small agricultural plough blade tips)
angled from the steel body towards the coal face. The plough height is the
working height in the seam being mined (possibly a bit lower if the coal tops
can be guaranteed to fall once the coal below is cut. These "picks" act in a
fashion similar to chisels and break a narrow web of coal off the face (of the
order of 300-400mm thick). In most cases there are no moving parts on a coal
The plough itself is mounted on the front of the AFC
and is pushed into the face by push cylinders mounted in the supports. The
plough has an endless chain haulage attached to the rear, and is driven through
sprockets on electric drive(s) at the face end(s).
The main advantages of ploughs compared to shearers
Simple (no moving parts
on the cutting machine itself)
- Relatively low dust
- Able to keep exposed
roof area very small (but a large number of chock movements would be required
to maintain this)
Though only a small web is taken, in the right
conditions production rates can be comparable to a shearer as the plough is
operated at a relatively fast speed along the face.
Some disadvantages are:
Cutting height is fixed
- Ability to cut stone is
- With increasing cutting
height, machine stability becomes more problematic
- Grading can only be
done using the AFC angle
- There are safety
implications with an exposed chain haulage.
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